This is a perfect workout for those who are on the road and don't have a lot of time or equipment. All you need is a stop watch (which everyone with a phone has) and your body weight. 
Complete 2-3 rounds with 90 sec rest in between (36min)30-45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest. 30 seconds for beginners and 45 for the more advanced. 

Each Round is only 10min long so that leave no room for any Excuses. 

Please make sure that you are properly warmed up prior to the start of this program. Warm Ups are just as important as your actual workout. 

  • Quad Thrust Burpee (4 Thrusters to Jump)
  • Push Ups w/Alt OH Reach
  • FWD-Rev Lunge Round#1: Rt Leg/ Round#2: Left Leg/ Round#3: Alternating Leg
  • Ab Scissors
  • Rotational Marching or High Knee hand Taps
  • Alternating Arm Leg Plank Stiff Arm/Superman
  • Rotating Mountain Climbers
  • Narrow stance Squat
  • Plank to Get Up
  • Bicycle Crunches


When your done let us know how you feel and post it here and on face book. 
